Monday, September 28, 2015

Mars Google Doodle Posted Shortly After NASA Shared Evidence Of Water Flowing On The Red Planet

Google says it felt compelled to honor such an exciting discovery. The post Mars Google Doodle Posted Shortly After NASA Shared Evidence Of Water Flowing On The Red Planet appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Solar Electricity – Use the Power of the Sun by

When asked about renewable energy or alternative, most people automatically think of solar electricity. Generating electricity from the sun is a renewable energy technology that most people are familiar. Whether you simply pocket calculator, your home or in your shop, regardless of its energy needs, solar electricity can do the job.

Solar power has several unique advantages compared to standard electricity network. Solar electric systems can be designed for a variety of applications and are extremely useful in remote areas where no electricity grid based. They could be very beneficial to the third world or developing countries, helping to bring electricity and all its benefits to the general population also photovoltaic panels that produce solar power, no moving parts, so a minimum of maintenance is needed and the smaller units are completely portable, which is another big advantage in places outside the network.

Respect for the environment is a major selling point for the conversion of solar energy. Its fuel is a free renewable resource, ie the sun. Solar power offers a total pollution free energy, unlike electricity from fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases. Another attractive factor for those who choose solar electricity to the grid based on power is nothing more than the feeling of total freedom. Freedom of the electric company, cuts and blackouts freedom and total freedom in their prices constantly increasing.

The hardest part of making solar energy is the initial implementation of the system costs. Solar power, are not a cheap quick fix. It should be seen as a long term investment. A sales system professionally installed for an average household should pay for itself within 5/7 years. Costs can be reduced considerably as it may, the construction of their own or buying a solar panel system used. A Do It Yourself system is much easier than you think with excellent guides and videos available today, so that even a novice Do it yourself can install their own solar panels. As more and more now, governments are introducing subsidies for the installation of solar energy, and it is possible that you may be able to sell their solar electricity used in the electric company. In these cases, the performance of your initial investment would be much faster.

Solar energy is not only an advantage for you and your home, but more importantly for the environment. Take time to learn about solar energy and how it can be easy to lose track of electricity, and are free of solar electricity.

Google 17th Birthday Logo Gets Trumped By NFL Scores Doodle States

Today is the 17th birthday of Google and Google has an awesome doodle for it which leads to [when is google's birthday] search. But you won't see the Google birthday doodle in the United States, instead...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Google Announces Customer Match: Upload Email Lists For Search, Gmail, YouTube Ad Targeting

Customer Match marks the first time advertisers will be able to set bids and create specific ads tailored to customer audience segments built with first-party data. The post Google Announces Customer Match: Upload Email Lists For Search, Gmail, YouTube Ad Targeting appeared first on Search Engine...

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

20 Copywriting Lessons from Stephen King

Shock! Horror!  That’s what Stephen King’s name calls to mind. But it’s not all he writes. In my opinion, Stephen King has written one of the best books around about writing. It’s about the development of his writing career and writing tips and it’s called On Writing. And I reckon, it’s not just good for [...]

The post 20 Copywriting Lessons from Stephen King appeared first on The Daily Egg.

The Misadventures of an eCommerce CRO Practitioner – A Ballad

Not once upon a time or very far away,
there was an eCommerce site,
selling wares for every day.

Success comes slow, and it takes some time.
The owner knew and waited in line,
for the traffic to come and the users to click.
Hoping something or the other would do the trick.

He decided he wasn’t doing much work himself.
They had an empty order list and a bustling shelf,
with goods in the warehouses, but a few to sell.

Feature image :a clueless and sad entrepreneur.
The clueless online entrepreneur.

He spoke out the trouble and heard the rest,
“You need CRO, and an able test.”
The man set out to do a Google search.
“Better catch the catchphrases,
better do a little research.”
All information that he could take down,
pointed him to a new remedy in town,
called Conversion Rate Optimization.
They are making them in capsules,
it’s a universal prescription.

But there is a catch, and that’s not just our take.
The best people make CRO Mistakes.
We are listing down the frequent five,
we will list out the better practices
to set them right.

The First One: Assumptions and Overplayed Intuition

No size fits all, there’s no Lycra in eCommerce.
There are inspirations to draw,
but no fixed guidelines to rehearse.
What worked for others might fail for you.
Every page is unique and every case is new.

There are seldom any fixed generalizations.
Don’t ape test cases or extrapolate other’s variations.
Your page is your art, art is hardly the same,
and experimentation is the rule of this game.

The Test is a Science, You can’t do without proof,
conduct sound experiments based on the truth.
Only measured observations should lead you.

The Second One: Not Testing the Testing Tool’s Precision

CRO Practitioner Doing A/B Testing
Optimizing for Conversions Using A/B Testing

Since which test to take is covered, let’s come to the tool.
You want to test the diagnosis and not be made a fool?
Do an A/A test, it shouldn’t take much time or effort,
put the same page against itself and tab the results.
The statistical significance should be insignificant in this case.
It helps in avoiding the TYPE I mistake.
Type one is when there is a ‘false positive’,
a rejection of the true ‘null hypothesis.’
Simply put, if you see an effect when there is none,
This tool is just not the right one.

Let’s Come to the Third: The Wrong Kind of Test

A/B and Multivariate have their own fields,
in different situations, different results they yield.
Which to use when, if that’s the question,
we give you an expert’s suggestion.

You should have a 1000 people come and visit the page,
that’s traffic enough in the initial stage.

There’s a control and there’s a beta version.
You put just one difference, in comparison,
then go for A and B and take the A/B test.
There could be a C or D for your need
or the zest.
The A, B and C are doppelgangers.
They aren’t the same,
they just look like each other.
There are changes if you look a little closer.

That makes for a simple explanation,
if your pages vary at just one place,
it’s not ‘Multivariation’.

Multivariate is at a more advanced stage,
When you test multiple elements,
put on the same page.
Multivariate pages are nothing like twins,
the differences are many to begin,
and they occur in varying combinations.
Each one has a dedicated variation.
Test a multivariate when there’s traffic
but less conversion,
when a rogue element/s is causing traffic diversion.

There’s a Split URL test, with different hosts.
When you testing major differences,
the pages vary the most.
The URLs are set to be different.
They are apples and oranges in comparison,
when you make and test two stark variations.

No size fits all, there’s no Lycra in eCommerce.Tweet: CRO Poem on VWO Blog Read more at

The Fourth One: This is About the Test Duration

If you are wondering how to figure out,
‘till when?’ or ‘how long?’…
…should you be testing to make the result strong?

There’s enough time for everything,
and everything comes with an expiration.
To know calculate the test duration.

While the math remains at play.
Set a goal for statistical significance.
Test and Re-test making that standard stay.
Consistently having a near result, you have your star page.

A few points for you to beware,
a major turnover, throws users out their chairs.
They have to figure out new things,
they have to sit and think as they stare.

Be patient, measure a periodic sales pattern.
To be careful not to jump on quick conclusions.
A zigzag of a curve may appear in conversions,
they vary with days and months and even holiday seasons.
Test in different environments for a sound validation.

Everything on a website happens by Design, Take a cue from the ones that have made big in timeTweet: CRO Poem on VWO Blog Read more at

The Fifth, A Catch: What and When are Mismatched

Of all the mistakes and misadventures,
this one is a sore for the CRO Practitioner
‘What’ should I test and ‘When’ is a looming challenge.
This is a classic case of donned ignorance.

If the traffic bounces off from the first website page,
a fairly simple observation, an open and shut case.
You check your Home and Landing Webpage.
Rev it up and make it better,
add the magic sauce to taste,
it doesn’t mean changing just colors.

When your Sales are down,
you are short of conversions,
doesn’t matter how many come,
if they take no Call to Action.
At the ‘user to customer’ conversion stage,
abandonment is quite a heartbreak.

You want to see the light at the end of this tunnel,
our hint is to look at the bottom of the conversion funnel.
We are talking your product or check out page.
It’s a little complicated at this stage.
Something, somewhere de-tracks the user,
we recommend making slight changes to figure.
The button is too small, the copy writing sucks.
It could be that your UI has run out of luck.
This is what you need to test when you have less buyers,
in multiple variations and combinations desired.

Everything on a website happens by Design,
Take a cue from the ones that have made big in time.

CRO Practitioner Is Happy

Remember the idea is making Conversions
if you do not get this basic, you are taking a diversion.
From the road that is called …. ‘Making a sale’,
or whatever you think is desired of your page,
a download, a click or a login to scale.
If it isn’t happening enough then it is a fail.
To know more, stay with us on this tale…

The button is too small, the copy writing sucks.It could be that your UI has run out of luck.Tweet: CRO Poem on VWO Blog Read more at

There are going to be many such misadventures.
We will tell them with the continuing ballad of CRO practitioners.
It’s an unending pursuit of Conversion Optimization.

For now, pin these five down, we’ll keep sharing others
Will be happy to know your experiences and adventures!

PS. If you liked this piece, you will probably love our other posts. Subscribe to the blog to get research-driven original content delivered right to your inbox, fresh and warm.

100% privacy guaranteed. We will never share your details.

The post The Misadventures of an eCommerce CRO Practitioner – A Ballad appeared first on VWO Blog.

Content Moderation: Who Needs It and How You Can Use UGC Successfully

Putting your brand in the hands of the public can be dangerous, but the power of user-generated content (UGC) is real. If done correctly, with precautions in place, it can be highly beneficial for your brand. Read the full article at MarketingProfs

Scary Early or Smart Strategy? Top Retailers Began Promoting Halloween Weeks Ago

By Donna Fulmer, Listrak market research and media communications manager

Last year, the National Retail Federation reported that while the majority (40.9%) of Halloween celebrants begin shopping in the first two weeks of October, a small number (6.4%) of enthusiasts actually begin before September. So just how early have leading retailers begun promoting Halloween this year to get their part of the nearly $7 billion consumers are projected to spend?

As an Internet Retailer research partner, Listrak subscribes to the email lists of the merchants in the Internet Retailer Top 500 and Second 500 Guides, and a look at our inbox shows that top merchants in all the relevant categories – apparel, costumes, décor and candy – have already been peddling their treats for weeks:


On June 30, a full four months before Halloween, we received our first holiday email from LollyWolly Doodle. Although back-to-school garb was the focus of the email, the cute Halloween clothing – covered in ghosts, pumpkins and cobwebs – was not far behind (or below in this case).

Just a little more than a week later, on July 8, Shindigz got in on the game with the message, “It’s never too early to choose your Halloween costume.”

On August 13, catalog company Touch of Class urged subscribers to order now for their best selection of Halloween décor.

And finally a few days later, on August 18, pulled out the treats with an email promoting Halloween-themed PEZ dispensers.

Let us know if Halloween was haunting your inbox even earlier.

How Pay Per Click Advertising Helps Level The Playing Field For SMBs

Small to medium businesses (SMBs) have the opportunity to use PPC advertising to level the playing field and pull customers away from their larger competitors.


Desktop Search: Google May Have Peaked Last Year According To comScore

Late this afternoon comScore released its monthly report on US desktop search market share. Google controlled 63.8 percent of all PC search volume in August. Microsoft (Bing) had 20.6 percent and Yahoo saw 12.7 percent. Bing was up a fraction of a point at Google’s apparent expense, while...

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Daily Search Forum Recap: September 25, 2015

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web...